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Following the success of her first book, "The Veterinarian's Wife, a Memoir," available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold, Susie Berta's new book, "Something I Said" is a collection of her warm, witty, and wise weekly newspaper columns. "Something I Said" is also available now wherever books are sold.


Susie is a freelance writer and contributes a weekly column with her own byline for her local newspaper in Newnan, GA, a lovely town 45 miles south of Atlanta. She has lived in Newnan with her husband, Rick, a veterinarian, since 1977. They raised two boys and have two grandchildren. As an empty nester, she returned to school in 2003 and earned a BFA in Art. Retired from a long career as a professional vocalist/performer, Susie writes full-time now about a variety of topics. Always inspired, often opinionated, and sometimes even controversial, she will never retire from writing.